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When I first started to get interested in computers I was doing A-Level Computer Science - I realized after the first year that coding was not where my interest lay, and dropped the subject. I wanted to be able to use computers to make pictures. I went on to college and dabbled with computer animation; when the Graphic Design Tutors' son came into lessons with his Mac computer and a copy of Macromind Director he changed my life! 

I was hooked, and went on to University to study Interactive Systems Design. This was an emerging technology - the main interactive system that the general public had access to was a cash point! This was also the time when the internet was available on one computer in the corner!

After graduating University in 1995 (with a 2:1 Degree) I was lucky enough to secure my first job in the design industry as a junior interactive designer - and I have been working in the digital Media Industry ever since...

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